The site is located within Archers Fields Close and is one of a number of sites within the Burnt Mills Industrial Estate used by Clearaway and Wasteaway for a range of recycling, waste management and depot activities.
The buildings will be designed to minimise noise from the ERF process. A noise assessment is being undertaken which will consider the potential for noise at nearby residential locations and this will form part of the planning application.
The facility will take non-hazardous commercial and industrial waste from local businesses and private households which already comes to the Clearaway recycling facility.
Have you assessed the visual impact?
A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment is being prepared which will set out where the development could be visible from and will assess the potential impacts of the development from viewpoint locations agreed with the Council.
How many jobs will be created?
Clearaway is a local family company and has always invested in local people. We currently employ over 100 people at Clearaway and Wasteaway, including apprentices, and the plans to expand our business will create an estimated further ten jobs plus additional jobs during construction.
Why can’t this waste just go to landfill?
Landfill generates significant greenhouse gases and is increasingly the last option when disposing of waste. This facility will ensure that value is generated from waste rather than it just being buried in the ground.
Will it detract from recycling?
We remove recyclable materials from the waste when it arrives at the Clearaway site. The Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) will take waste where the only other realistic option is landfill, using it to generate electricity and heat. We also recycle the bottom ash by using it in the production of construction bricks.
How safe is energy recovery?
The Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) will use proven technology and the process is closely regulated by the Environment Agency. Before it can operate the ERF will need an Environmental Permit and it will have to meet very strict emissions limits. Emissions data is monitored continually with safety controls designed to shut the plant down if it exceeds allowed levels.
What will happen with what is left at the end of the process?
There are two types of ash left over from the ERF process – bottom ash and fly ash. Metals are extracted from the bottom ash and sent for recycling. The remaining ash will then be recycled and used to make concrete blocks for use in the construction industry. Fly ash and Air Pollution Control (APC) residues are also produced which are also collected and safely disposed of at specialist facilities off-site.
Will there be an impact on local roads?
One of the main benefits of the site is that the waste is already coming into Clearaway so there will be no additional deliveries.
Can local schools come and visit the facility?
We would welcome the opportunity for any members of the community to come and see what we have built over the last 10 years and what we plan to build. Everything we have invested in, and are committed to continuing to invest in, is focused upon maximum recycling and energy recovery and minimal landfill.
Will it smell?
We will not be taking ‘black bag’ waste. The waste already comes to the site and we have not had any issues with odour in the past. All waste is normally processed within 24 hours and there will be odour control systems in place.
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